First Time Parenting Woes |
Whether you are 24 or 34, parenting is hard work. Has anyone ever said this to you before? Have you ever thought to yourself how hard can it possibly be to change diapers and feed someone? Well, as. . .
Designer Baby Clothes |
Everything for today’s infant who goes places.Every year the top designers unveil their latest fashion creations for the little people of the world. This doesn’t mean fashion designs for the Warwic. . .
Why Public Schools Hate Home-schooling Parents |
Home-schooling is a great success. That’s why many public-school authorities hate home-schooling parents.Home-schoolers are a direct challenge to the public-school monopoly. This monopoly makes it . . .
Why winning as a team is the only way to play sports |
Ok so you have been on a few softball or soccer teams where there is one good kid who players much better then all the rest. Most of the games he/she carries the team and it is expected that he/she. . .
Essential Baby Clothes And Accessories |
Leave the cute outfits to the shower guests – these are the things you need.Having a baby is a time of combined joy and stress for most people. Nothing compares to the joy that a mother feels when . . .
Parents --- Homeschooling Can Take a Lot Less Time Than You Think |
The time you will need to teach your children the essentials — reading, writing, and arithmetic — is much less than you think. Let me quote author and former public-school teacher John Gatto from h. . .
Build Your Own Ant Farm |
Why ? Ant farms are, both, fun and educational. They take up little space and are a great way to teach your children about these amazing little insects. They will learn a bit about entomology and h. . .
Smart Kids: Use It Or Lose It This Summer |
The brain is like a muscle -- you use it or lose it. During summer vacation is your child "losing it"?Picture two different athletes. Athlete A is on a schedule where she trains ten months and then. . .
Makeup for Acne Scars – Hiding as You Heal |
Acne is a pernicious and upsetting condition, and most sufferers long for the day when their skin is clear of it. But many acne patients achieve clear skin only to find themselves left with a disap. . .
Encouraging Your Child To Write |
How in the world do you get your child to write? This is the battle cry of many parents. A lot of imagination, with a little bribery (or praise) is all you need to get your child writing. We'll sup. . .