The Charter School Wars --- Why Public Schools Hate Charter Schools |
Many public school authorities hate charter schools. It's not hard to see why. Charter schools embarrass local public schools because they often do a better job educating children, for less money. . . .
The Baby Crib: Your Child’s First Bed |
It is up to you as parents whether you want a baby crib to be your child’s first bed or not. Some parents are proponents of “co-sleeping,” in which a baby sleeps in bed with the parents, sometimes . . .
4 Easy Allowance Answers to What, When, How |
What do good schools and well thought out allowances have in common? Both teach your child a vitally important life skill: reflective thinking. Kids are naturally impulsive. Learning how to re. . .
Ten ways to Become Best Friends with Your Teenagers |
Best friends! It may seem impossible to believe, but today’s teens do want to consider their parents as friends, even though they think we could never understand the realities of their world. They . . .
Monitoring Your Teens for Drug Use without Appearing to be Spying |
Even if your teenagers do not use drugs, you still need to keep an eye on them. It is much better to realize that things could change, and anticipate that your teen COULD become a user. Essentiall. . .
The Baby Stroller- How To Choose |
You will need to begin gathering the things your baby will need, now that you got the news that you are expecting a bundle of joy. You may feel overwhelmed if this is your first baby with all the d. . .
Halloween opens creativity |
Halloween is a time for both adults and kids alike to delve into their creative sides and dream up inventive Halloween costumes. It is also a time when people want to be something that they cannot . . .
The Free Ride In Public Schools |
To protect children’s self-esteem or deflect complaints by parents, many public schools today automatically advance failing students to the next grade level. In other schools, some students are lef. . .
Are Public Schools Anti-Parent? |
Some public schools try to turn children against their parents with scary classroom stories or lessons about child abuse. Public school authorities have increasingly decided that they are children’. . .
How Public Schools Lie To Parents And Betray Our Children |
Under the "No Child Left Behind Act," public schools whose students consistently fail standardized tests can now be shut down. To protect their jobs, teachers and principals are now under intense p. . .