Healthy Chocolate? |
It's great news that research found a food that lowers blood pressure and is healthy for the heart and maybe more. The problem is that the chocolate most Americans consume is not the same kind. The. . .
A Healthy Diet Check Up...From The Neck Up |
If you have tried every so-called healthy diet plan on the planet and every exercise program from the latest fitness guru and repeatedly failed to achieve your weight loss goals, you probably need . . .
Exercise Intensity vs. Duration |
It seems like there are more bits of exercise advice floating around on the internet and in books than there are stars in the sky. The fact is that what works for one person may not work as well fo. . .
Stretch Marks Forums |
Aside from investing in a product to treat and eliminate your stretch marks, one of the best ways to deal with the situation is to discuss it with other people. If you search the Internet you can f. . .
Weight Lifting Stretch Marks |
Of the common ways that people develop stretch marks, weight lifting is probably in the top three. When you lift weights your skin has to stretch to accommodate for the extra skin that is needed. M. . .
Can You Get Rid of Stretch Marks? |
The question, “” sounds simple enough, but the answer to the question is not so easy. Ask 10 skin specialists this question and you are likely to receive answers spread across the board. On one sid. . .
Men and stretchmarks |
Seeing a man with stretch marks is just as likely as seeing a woman with the skin condition. The only difference is in how they develop the condition. Stretch marks are the result of a hormonal imb. . .
Oral Acne Medication Options |
At the onslaught of puberty, many teens suffer from various radical changes - physical, physiological, emotional.. you name it! Of course, one of the most apparent transformations is that of the ph. . .
The Solution to Acne |
In the United States almost 17 million people are affected by some form of facial acne, making it the most common skin disease afflicting mankind. However, despite the large numbers of people who a. . .
Olive Oil, The Healthy Choice. |
Olive oil is a healthy choice over other fats such as butter, palm and coconut oils because olive oil is a monounsaturated fat that does not increase levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.Dr. Sea. . .