Men from Mars women Venus Common sense cover the PENIS |
What could be more serious than to be on the receiving end of an STD. The answer is, millions of people are choosing to ignore the warning signs of safe sex therefore causing epidemics like the pla. . .
How to Prepare for Cold and Flu Season with a Strong Immune System |
Ah-choo! Oh, that awful achy feeling when every muscle and bone in your body just hurts. You can’t sleep, you have no appetite and you certainly can’t afford to be under the weather for even just. . .
Taking The Sress Out Of Vacations With Yoga |
Even during vacations we are still attacked by outside stressful factors which can ruin a very promising vacation. Vacation stress is a rather antagonistic expression but it is real and it can caus. . .
Look and Feel Young Even After 40 --- Part 1 |
Avoiding substance abuse, diet and exercise, and using supplements like Phosoplex and Rejuvinol for ache joints and wrinkled skin respectively can help us look and feel much younger - healthy and v. . .
All About Disposable Contact Lenses |
Did you know that traditional contact lenses were never intended to be worn forever? Even when the first contacts were developed, optometrists knew that the more often the contacts were changed, th. . .
Arthritis Management Through Diet |
The term “arthritis” refers to the chronic inflammation of joints throughout the body. Arthritis is one of the most rapidly growing chronic conditions in North America. Osteoarthritis, the most com. . .
Treatment Tips For Panic Attacks |
Once you've finally visited your health care provider and you have been diagnosed with panic attacks stemming from a panic disorder, you will be provided with a suggested course of treatment. In or. . .
Understanding Acne |
As a kid, you hear a lot of things about acne. Everybody has their opinion on what causes it or how to stop it. My nana insisted that it came from a teenager having premarital sex. My papa said she. . .
Make A Preemptive Strike Against Christmas Weight Gain |
The summer holiday season is over in the northern hemisphere; the days are shortening; and the nights getting longer and cooler. While you cling on to any remnant of summer you can find, through th. . .
Mesothelioma - Is Cancer Hibernating in You? |
Imagine a disease that lays eggs inside your lungs. These eggs do not produce discomfort or coughing, they don't cause outbreaks or rashes or anything of the sort. In fact these eggs don't do any. . .