A New Way To Learn: Online |
Many of the most universities in the country are realizing that no everyone can attend regular classes to obtain a college education. As a result almost all of them offer distance learning programs. . .
Defining Distance Learning |
Distance learning can be defined in many different ways. Distance learning can be classes taken over the Internet, Web TV, cable TV, correspondence course, audio conferencing, CD-ROM, videotape or . . .
Avoiding The Distractions In Distance Learning |
In order to learn at home in a distance learning program we first must learn to avoid the distractions. They are the things that will keep us focused and motivated on learning and studying and if w. . .
Bogus Online Degrees |
There will always be con artists, people trying to make a buck on the shady side of the street. They prey on the unsuspecting and the ill-informed. Every year thousands of Americans are hoodwinked . . .
Seeking the most up-to-date assistance with reference to books. |
When you're after top advice concerning books, it'll be complex extracting the best information from misguided books proposals and support so it is wise to know how to judge the information you ar. . .
The Truth About Our Physical Education History |
Remember high school gym class? You played volleyball, ran a mile on the track, and ducked before being hit in the face during a vigorous game of dodge ball? Physical education has been part of t. . .
Calendar Teaching Tips |
Stop! Don't throw away those old calendars! There is so much you can do with a calendar to reinforce academic skills. Here are a few suggestions:1. Writing - Use the pictures as story starters by h. . .
Students Worldwide Are Learning How To Excel In School From Home. |
Today, children are expected to earn high grades in all of their classes, in spite of the failing public school system. Parents can still remember when an education was essential in preparing child. . .
Games To Encourage Thinking Skills |
There is no doubt about it, using computer games is a great way to encourage children to expand their realm of thinking. Your options for entertaining your child may seem numbered. Many people allo. . .
Getting An Online Masters Degree |
What seems like a very long time ago you left high school and entered college where you completed your bachelor program. You found a job in your industry of choice, married your childhood sweethear. . .