The Bush "There Or Here" Fallacy and the War in Iraq |
Today we wish to examine a fallacy, or error in reasoning, which we have found springing up now and again in today's popular discourse about the so-called War On Terror. This one comes straight fro. . .
Classical Home Schooling - Back to Faith and the Basics |
Home schooling material can range from following the public school system standards to classical home schooling. What is a classical education and how does it fit into home schooling? . . .
The Disadvantages of Home Schooling |
“Home Schooling – Look Before You Leap”Are you considering home schooling your children? While you may have focused on the advantages of this form of education, take a moment to think about possib. . .
Coaching Skills Does Matter At Chick–fil-A |
Q – What is the role of an Operator at Chick-fil-A, and what are some of the challenges that an Operator faces?Phil – Operators are selected and are independent contractors for Chick-fil-A. We hav. . .
What’s behind the Explosive Growth in Distance Learning? |
There is a ground swell of support globally to support the growth of distance learning. Market research firms, government agencies, public and private companies, and even venture capital firms –th. . .
Is Pursuing a Degree Online really for you? Who Should and Who Should Not? |
Stanford University’s Online Lessons Learned Stanford University’s Center for Professional Development has recently completed a survey of those that have been successful in completing online degree. . .
Is Pursuing a Career in Patent Law the Right Move for You? |
Did you know that you might be eligible to gain entry into the field of patent law even without a law degree? The basic requirements are a degree in a technology-related field and the will to pass. . .
The Western Cowboy |
Can you truly find the western cowboy home on the range in the State of Texas ? At one time you could find real cowboys in Texas but that time actually ended over one hundred years ago.Up until the. . .
Is Buddhism a Religion? |
Buddhism is a teaching which has spread worldwide absorbing the culture of each country it arrived in, which has resulted in many expressions of Buddhism. Each strand, no matter how varied in natur. . .
Why Pursue Your Degree Online? |
Distance education has been around longer than people may realise. A system which teaches students without requiring that they actually be present, distance learning was pioneered in 1946, by the . . .