Financial Aid for Online Education |
You've made the decision to pursue your degree online and you've been accepted to an online program. Now what do you do? The next step in realizing your dream is to secure the funds needed for your education.If you haven't already done so, now is the time to complete your Free Application for F. . .
Strengthening Leadership Development with employees |
Within every business lies a network of people who are working to make their employer successful. Because growing business requires more employees, employers need to seek prospective candidates who will align well with their business. Some businesses prefer to promote employees internally; and . . .
Leadership Development for Success |
In today’s highly competitive world, there is a lot of pressure on leaders to create highly productive organizations. To be successful with this task, leaders will need all of the talent, skills, techniques, and experience they can muster through leadership development. The pressure to succeed . . .
Teamwork Training: Learning to Build a Successful Team |
Teamwork is a process that can be experienced outdoors and well as in the workplace. A lesson learned in one environment can be applied equally well in another. Teamwork: We Have Met the Enemy and They Are Us, a book by Dr. Steven Stowell and Matt Starcevich, describes actual teams that have p. . .
The Disadvantages of Home Schooling |
“Home Schooling – Look Before You Leap”Are you considering home schooling your children? While you may have focused on the advantages of this form of education, take a moment to think about possible disadvantages of home schooling. Consider the demands of home schooling before you take the plun. . .
Is Pursuing a Degree Online really for you? Who Should and Who Should Not? |
Stanford University’s Online Lessons Learned Stanford University’s Center for Professional Development has recently completed a survey of those that have been successful in completing online degree programs globally. The results of their research provide useful guidance for anyone considering an. . .
What’s behind the Explosive Growth in Distance Learning? |
There is a ground swell of support globally to support the growth of distance learning. Market research firms, government agencies, public and private companies, and even venture capital firms –those companies that invest in new and emerging businesses – all agree that distance learning’s future. . .
How does oil & dirt get washed away with soap? |
We use soap each day in our lives in the form of detergents, shampoo, shower crème, hand soap or bar soap. We are so used to using soap that we rarely stop and wonder how this wonderful compound manages to help us clean ourselves day after day. Have you ever thought about what would happen if the. . .
The fertilization process and implications of test tube babies |
Through the wonders of science, infertile couples who were previously unable to bear children, due to reasons such as blocked fallopian tubes, low sperm count, low egg quantities or advanced age of the mother, are now able to conceive through in-vitro fertilization. The results are babies known a. . .
Coaching Skills Does Matter At Chick–fil-A |
Q – What is the role of an Operator at Chick-fil-A, and what are some of the challenges that an Operator faces?Phil – Operators are selected and are independent contractors for Chick-fil-A. We have some leverage with what they do, but they operate very independent from us. Growth opportunities . . .