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Apuntes: Homonimos en Ingles
Enviado el Sunday, April 28 @ 16:01:16 EST
Apuntes lengua HOMONYMS


An Homonym is a word that sound the same as another word but has a different spelling and a different meaning

EXAMPLES: To - Two - Too Sum - Some


A.- Circle the correct homonym(s) in Each sentence below.

1.- The couple walked for a mile along the (beech, beach)

2.- Are there any (dear, deer) in this hill?

3.- How much do you (way, weight) ?

4.- Who broke this window (pane, pain)

5.- I have (to, too, two) go (to, too, two) the sale with does (to, too, two) people.

6.- Laurie (Knew, New) how to play a ( Knew, New) word game.

7.- Juan and Luis spend a week at (there, their) friends' ranch

8.- Those boys (ate, eight) (ate, eight) of the apples we had just bought

9.- I like to walk by the ( see, sea) at dusk

10.- (wring, Ring) the bell, Matt

11.- Did you see what she brought (hear, here) ?

12.- He cannot (write, right) with his (write, right) hand.

13.- How has not (read, red) the magazine?

14.- He found it cheaper to (buy, by) his pencils (buy, by) the box.

15.- Chris told his niece a fairy (tale, tail)



B.- write an homonym for each word below

1.- Hall ___________ 2.- Threw ______________

3.- Weak _________________ 4.- There _______________

5.- Heard__________________ 6.- Here ________________

7.- By ____________________ 8.- Pane ________________

9.- Heal ___________________ 10.- Blew ________________

11.- Flower _________________ 12.- Stair ________________

13.- Pale ___________________ 14.- Ring _________________

15.- Soar ___________________ 16.- Sale __________________

17.- Won ___________________ 18.- Aisle _________________

19.- Rode __________________ 20.- Meet _________________

21.- Our ___________________ 22.- Sea __________________

23.- Right __________________ 24.- Peace ________________

25.- No ____________________ 26.- Grate _________________

27.- Way ___________________ 28.- Cent __________________

29.- Dew ___________________ 30.- Forth __________________


Colaboración de:

Ing. Zoila Reyna Jaime González.

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